Modelling tourists’ travel intention: Role of tourism destination image, perceived value and situational involvement

Yongyi Li, Songyu Jiang

Article ID: 8069
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

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Promoting travelling intention within social media is significant for stakeholders to grasp a new tourism market and cultivate a new model for development of tourism industry. This study aims to understand path of destination image affecting travelling intention, and to investigate the mediation role of perceived value, furthermore, to uncover the role of moderator of situational involvement. This paper conducts a survey on tourists visiting Guilin, collecting 435 questionnaires, and uses the structural equation modeling method to explore how the image of the tourism destination affects tourists’ willingness to travel. The research results indicate that cognitive image, emotional image, and projected image all have a significant positive impact on perceived value, perceived value as a significant mediator to bridge the relationship among the destination image and tourists’ travel intention. Furthermore, situational involvement plays a negative moderating role in the mediating effect of emotional value. This study endeavor will serve to enrich the understanding of perceived value theory, destination image theory, and tourism consumer behavior theory. It will also provide theoretical foundations and policy recommendations for guiding tourism consumer behavior, analyzing destination image perception, and destination marketing.


social media; tourism destination image; tourists’ travel intention; perceived value

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