Machine learning technology for good health and well-being for sustainable human security in South Africa
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024
The failure to achieve sustainable development in South Africa is due to the inability to deliver quality and adequate health services that would lead to the achievement of sustainable human security. As we live in an era of digital technology, Machine Learning (ML) has not yet permeated the healthcare sector in South Africa. Its effects on promoting quality health services for sustainable human security have not attracted much academic attention in South Africa and across the African continent. Hospitals still face numerous challenges that have hindered achieving adequate health services. For this reason, the healthcare sector in South Africa continues to suffer from numerous challenges, including inadequate finances, poor governance, long waiting times, shortages of medical staff, and poor medical record keeping. These challenges have affected health services provision and thus pose threats to the achievement of sustainable security. The paper found that ML technology enables adequate health services that alleviate disease burden and thus lead to sustainable human security. It speeds up medical treatment, enabling medical workers to deliver health services accurately and reducing the financial cost of medical treatments. ML assists in the prevention of pandemic outbreaks and as well as monitoring their potential epidemic outbreaks. It protects and keeps medical records and makes them readily available when patients visit any hospital. The paper used a qualitative research design that used an exploratory approach to collect and analyse data.
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