Optimization of ride-sharing services: An investigation of the ride-hailing service providers

Md Al Amin, lmranul Hoque, Md. Mahathy Hasan Jewel, Mohammad Bin Amin, Esayas Degago, Edina Molnar

Article ID: 7920
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024


This study investigates the optimization of ride-sharing services (RSS) on the ride-hailing service (RHS) providers in Bangladesh. This study employed an explanatory sequential mixed method research design- a qualitative study followed by a quantitative one. Qualitative data were collected through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with twenty (20) riders and drivers in Bangladesh, and quantitative data were collected from 300 respondents consisting of riders and drivers using a convenience sampling technique. Factor analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were applied to the data analysis. The qualitative analysis reveals several significant factors associated with RSS and RHS, including cost efficiency, fare, fuel consumption, traffic congestion, carbon emissions, environmental pollution, employment opportunities, business growth, and security. The quantitative results indicate that using RSS is associated with more significant benefits than RHS in various aspects, including cost efficiency, fare, fuel consumption, traffic congestion, carbon emissions, environmental pollution, employment opportunities, and expansion of the automobile industry. The findings may assist policymakers in understanding how RSS can yield more incredible economic, environmental, and social benefits than RHS by analyzing fare sharing among passengers, carbon emissions, fuel consumption, and the expansion of the vehicle markets etc. Therefore, the government can formulate distinct policies for RSS holders due to their contributions to economic, social, and environmental concerns. While RHS services are available in many cities in Bangladesh, this study considered only Dhaka and Sylhet cities. Thus, future studies can consider more respondents from other cities for a holistic understanding.


sharing economy; ride-hailing services; ride-sharing services; transportation; traffic jam

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i12.7920


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