Quality management in the context of performance and agility of manufacturing enterprises
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024
The application of quality management methods and tools is an important prerequisite for the success and performance increase of manufacturing enterprises. The paper deals with the application of methods and tools of quality management (MTQM) in manufacturing enterprises. The paper aims to analyze whether there is a relationship between the application of MTQM and the size of enterprises, the use of MTQM, and the performance of enterprises measured through the achieved profit. It also analyzes the impact of MTQM on the agility of manufacturing enterprises measured through the decrease in sales expressed in revenues during the pandemic period. The paper presents the results of the research which was conducted between 2020–2022. Several statistical tools such as the Chi-square goodness-of-fit test, Pearson’s chi-square test, and contingency analysis were used to evaluate the different analyses as well as the representativeness of the sample. Based on the results, it can be concluded that there are differences in the use of MTQM and the size of the enterprise as well as the performance of the enterprises. At the same time, the hypothesis that enterprises using a wider range of quality management methods and tools have a higher potential to adapt to unexpected market changes was also confirmed.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i11.7829
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