Relation between corruption, institutional trust, and subjective well-being: An empirical analysis

Muhammad Hassan Danish, Shahzada M. Naeem Nawaz, Syed Fahad Javaid, Moien A. B. Khan

Article ID: 7825
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This study aims to examine the mediating role of institutional trust (IT) between perceived corruption and subjective well-being (SWB) using data from 1566 households in a developing country. It deploys ordinary least square (OLS) and an ordered logit model within the generalized structural equation model. Results show that individuals who perceived no corruption in a country report more IT and higher levels of SWB. Furthermore, the direct effects of good governance, perceived IT, and the absence of corruption on SWB is also positive. Moreover, satisfaction with hospital services also improves happiness and life satisfaction levels. This study improves and validates how corruption is assessed to support future measures that reduce its harmful effects. Moreover, the masses must have widespread awareness about the critical nature of corruption and IT relative to well-being. This study also highlights the need to develop strong institutions to improve trust and minimize corruption.


corruption; government effectiveness; institutional trust; happiness; life satisfaction; life worthwhile; generalized structural equation model (GSEM)

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