Analytical view on advancement of digital skills among EU consumers in electronic commerce
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
the development of digital technologies and their popularity in e-commerce is undeniable. However, consumers need to have a certain level of digital skills. The main aim of the paper was to examine and evaluate the development of consumers’ digital skills in the European Union and to identify the potential significant impact on online shopping. The EU countries studied experienced an increasing trend in both internet users and online consumers over the period under review, with Romania and Estonia experiencing the most significant year-on-year increases in internet users and online consumers respectively. The trend of consumers with digital skills was volatile and in some EU countries it was decreasing year-on-year. When comparing the share of online consumers and the share of consumers with digital skills, it was not possible to generalize the results as in some countries the values were at comparable levels, but in selected countries the share of consumers with digital skills was higher than the share of online consumers and in other countries the opposite was true. The results showed the existence of a significant impact of the level of digital skills on online shopping and also of the use of the internet for online shopping. The results obtained can provide a basis for online retailers to promote the increase of consumers’ digital skills, which will ultimately lead to the growth of e-commerce.
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