Analysis of e-government implementation and factors affecting employee performance: Case study in Tangerang city government

Indri Astuti, Ria Mardiana Yusuf, Mursalim Nohong, Fauziah Umar, Sabbar Dahham Sabbar

Article ID: 7774
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


This study examines the factors influencing e-government adoption in the Tangerang city government from 2010 to 2022. We gathered statistics from multiple sources to reduce joint source prejudice, resulting in a preliminary illustration of 1670 annotations from 333 regions or cities. These regions included major urban centers such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Makassar, and Denpasar, as well as other significant municipalities across Indonesia. After removing anomalous values, we retained a final illustration of 1656 annotations. Results indicate that higher-quality digital infrastructure significantly boosts e-government adoption, underscoring the necessity for resilient digital platforms. Contrary to expectations, increased budget allocation for digital initiatives negatively correlates with adoption levels, suggesting the need for efficient spending policies. IT training for staff showed mixed results, highlighting the importance of identifying optimal training environments. The study also finds that policy adaptability and organizational complexity moderate the relationships between digital infrastructure, budget, IT training, and e-government adoption. These findings emphasize the importance of a holistic approach integrating technological, organizational, and policy aspects to enhance e-government implementation. The insights provided are valuable for policymakers and practitioners aiming to improve digital governance and service delivery. This study reveals the unexpected negative correlation between budget allocation and e-government adoption and introduces policy adaptability and organizational complexity as critical moderating factors, offering new insights for optimizing digital governance.


e-government adoption; digital infrastructure; budget allocation; IT training; policy adaptability; organizational complexity; fixed effects model; digital governance; service delivery; Tangerang city government

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