Entrepreneurship education and digital transformation, opportunities and challenges in Indonesia

Rusdiaman Rauf, Cahyaning Raheni, Tovan Tovan, Mardia Mardia, Lukman Setiawan, Mushbihah Rodliyatun

Article ID: 7740
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024

VIEWS - 441 (Abstract)


This article explores the landscape of entrepreneurship education in Indonesia amid the wave of digital transformation. The research method uses Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to review research results sourced from journals indexed in Sinta or nationally accredited journals in Indonesia which can be accessed on Google Scholar. The conclusion, (i) Digital transformation-based entrepreneurship education creates a new learning model in colleges with the aim of developing entrepreneurial attitudes and values among young people, especially students, so as to produce entrepreneurial intentions. (ii) Higher education as an entrepreneur education provider must follow the progress of digital transformation in the teaching process of entrepreneurship education so that digital literacy among lecturers and students is getting better. (iii) The participation of stakeholders, the Government, college and the business world, is expected to provide support in policy making, especially curriculum changes in accordance with current circumstances in creating new business actors or entrepreneurial intentions.


entrepreneurship education, digital transformation, digital literacy, entrepreneurial intentions, curriculum

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