Improving SME performance through entrepreneurial orientation and green innovation: The mediating role of green knowledge sharing

Rozalina Novianty, Yustinus Budi Hermanto

Article ID: 7733
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


This study investigates the impact of entrepreneurial orientation and green innovation on the performance of SMEs. This research explores the wood waste industry in Ngawi, an area that has never been studied before, thus providing a new perspective and unique local relevance. These findings underscore the critical role of entrepreneurial orientation and green innovation in driving sustainable business growth and improving SME performance. The results show that both entrepreneurial orientation and green innovation having a positive and significant link with SMEs performance. Further, the study reveals that the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and green innovation having a positive and significant link with SMEs performance mediated by knowledge-sahring. The study also highlights the importance of larger sample sizes, and external factors to provide more comprehensive insights for practitioners and policymakers.


entrepreneurial orientation; green innovation; smes performance; green knowledge sharing; sustainability; competitive advantage

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