The advocate planner in regional splits: Social network analysis approach
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025
The discourse on advocacy planning involving actors has not explicitly addressed the question of who the actor advocate planner is and how an actor can become an advocate planner. This paper attempts to exploring the actor advocate planner in the context of Regional Splits as, employing social network analysis as a research tool. This research employs an exploratory, mixed-methods approach, predominantly qualitative in nature. The initial phase entailed the investigation and examination of qualitative data through the acquisition of information from interviews with key stakeholders involved in Regional Splits, including communities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), governmental entities, and political parties. The subsequent phase utilized quantitative techniques derived from the findings of the qualitative analysis, which were then analysis into the Gephi application. The findings indicate that the Regional Splits the Presidium Community represents civil society and political parties serve as crucial advocate planners, facilitating connections between disparate actors and promoting Regional Splits through political parties.
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