The influence of virtual community platform attributes on Chinese luxury consumers’ purchase intention: The role of policy innovation in digital infrastructure

Pei Hu, Kanakarn Phanniphong

Article ID: 7695
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


This research examines the influence of virtual community platform attributes on luxury consumers’ purchase intentions, with a specific focus on the role of policy innovation in digital infrastructure. The study aims to 1) identify key factors affecting purchase intentions toward luxury products in virtual environments; 2) develop and validate a structural equation model to analyze these intentions; and 3) provide actionable insights for luxury goods marketers to refine their strategies within these platforms. Utilizing a structural equation model, the study investigates the interactions among various determinants of consumer behavior in virtual communities, highlighting the impact of policy innovation. Data was collected through purposive sampling from 1142 respondents in China’s top 10 high-spending cities on luxury goods, ensuring data relevance. The findings emphasize the significance of knowledge sharing, interactive communication, and leaders’ opinions in virtual communities in building consumer trust and shaping perceptions of online reviews. These elements influence purchase intentions directly and indirectly, with consumer trust serving as a crucial mediator. The study reveals the substantial impact of virtual community attributes on fostering consumer trust and shaping buying decisions for luxury items, underlining the contribution of social development processes. Moreover, the role of policy innovation is found to be significant in enhancing these virtual community dynamics, suggesting that regulatory changes can positively influence consumer engagement and trust. The conclusions offer valuable implications for marketers, proposing strategies to boost consumer engagement and drive sales in virtual settings. This research contributes to the theoretical understanding of digital consumer behavior and provides practical strategies for innovation and growth within the luxury goods sector, emphasizing the critical role of policy innovation in shaping these dynamics.


policy innovation; luxury goods consumer behavior; virtual community platforms; consumer trust in digital marketing; purchase intentions analysis

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