How do product innovation, internet marketing and brand identity affect business performance of small and medium-sized agri-food processing?
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
Despite having a strategic position in supporting the Indonesian economy, the productivity of SME’s is still suboptimal. The increase in the number of SME’s has not been followed by increased competitiveness due to various limitations experienced by this sector. In an effort to provide a comprehensive picture in improving the performance of food processing SME’s in developing countries such as Indonesia, the purpose of this study was to examine the function of product innovation, internet marketing, and brand identity in shaping competitive advantage having an impact on business performance. This research is focused on food processing SME’s in the city of Bogor. The number of samples used was 100 SME’s. The sampling method used the non-probability sampling method with a snowball sampling technique. The data obtained were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM). Based on the age characteristic of business actors, the majority of business actors were 40–50 years old, of which 52% had their final formal education at high school level. As many as 61% of respondents had attended business training. Based on the results of the Partially Least Square (PLS) SEM analysis, it was found that product innovation, internet marketing and brand identity all had a significant positive effect on competitive advantage and business performance. The influence of brand identity on competitive advantage had the greatest effect, with a value of 0.451. This study contributes to existing research by examining the determinants of the business performance of processed food SME’s through the holistic model offered. This research is innovative because the business raises new issues related to internet marketing by SME’s and investigates them empirically.
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