Investigating the impact of digital leadership on innovation performance of public universities in Yunnan, China

Fang Yuan, Muhammad Shahid Khan

Article ID: 7663
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024


In the era of rapid technological development, the integration of technology in education has become crucial (Hashim et al., 2022). The digital transformation of education requires universities to transform their traditional operational models, strategic directions, and teaching practices, re-examine their own value propositions, and promote high-quality innovative development in universities. Transformation and change bring challenges to organizational management, especially leadership. Can digital leadership positively influence the innovative behavior of university teachers? Can digital leadership improve organizational innovation performance by influencing innovation behavior? These questions urgently need to be answered through practical surveys of digital transformation in universities. From March 2024 to May 2022, we conducted a survey of 1142 participants from 12 universities in Kunming, southwestern China. Our research findings indicate that digital leadership has a positive impact on the innovation performance of university organizations; Innovation behavior plays a mediating role between digital leadership and organizational performance. These findings provide new insights into the potential mechanisms by which digital leadership influences organizational innovation in universities. The research findings emphasize that in the process of transforming traditional operational models, strategic directions, and teaching practices in higher education, in order to achieve high-quality innovative development, it is necessary to attach importance to digital leadership and continuously stimulate innovative behavior.


digital leadership; innovative behavior; innovation performance

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