Selection of potential location for technopark based on pineapple SMEs using AHP-GIS techniques in Kampar Regency
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024
Kampar Regency, as the largest pineapple producer in Riau Province, has yet to provide significant added value for the surrounding SMEs. The limitations in technology and innovation, infrastructure support, and market access have prevented this potential from being optimally utilized. A Technopark can provide the necessary facilities and infrastructure to enhance production efficiency, innovation, and product quality, thus driving local economic growth. The objective of this study is to identify and determine potential locations for the development of a pineapple-based Technopark in Kampar Regency. This study is crucial as a fundamental consideration in selecting the technopark location and assessing the effectiveness and success of the technopark area. The method used in this study is AHP-GIS to analyze relevant parameters in the site selection process for the technopark area. Parameters considered in this study include slope, land use, availability of raw materials, accessibility of roads, access to water resources, proximity to universities, market access, population density, and landfill. The analysis results indicate that the percentage of land highly suitable for the technopark location is 0.78%, covering an area of 8943 hectares. Based on the analysis, it is recommended that potential locations for the development of a pineapple SMEs-based technopark in Kampar Regency are dispersed in Tambang District, encompassing three villages: Rimbo Panjang, Kualu Nenas and Tarai Bangun. The findings of this study align with the spatial planning of Kampar Regency.
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