Empirical study of the impact of E-CNY on low-carbon economy from AI trust concerns

Dandan Li, Nik Hadiyan Nik Azman

Article ID: 7590
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


The low-carbon economy is the major objective of China’s economy, and its goal is to achieve sustainable economic development. The study enriches the literature on the relationship between digital Chinese yuan (E-CNY), low-carbon economy, AI trust concerns, and security intrusion. The rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) offered more ways to achieve a low-carbon economy. The digital Chinese yuan (E-CNY), based on the AI technique, has shown its nature and valid low-carbon characteristics in pilot cities of China, it will assume important responsibilities and become the key link. However, trust concerns about AI techniques result in a limitation of the scope and extent of E-CNY usage. The study conducts in-depth research from the perspective of AI trust concerns, explores the influence of E-CNY on the low-carbon economy, and discusses the moderating and mediating mechanisms of AI trust concerns in this process. The empirical data results showed that E-CNY positively affects China’s low-carbon economy, and AI trust concerns moderate the positive impact. When consumers with higher AI trust concerns use E-CNY, their feeling of security intrusion is also higher. It affects the growth of trading volume and scope of E-CNY usage. Still, it reduces the utility of China’s low-carbon economy. This study provides valuable management inspiration for China’s low-carbon economy.


digital Chinese yuan (E-CNY); low-carbon economy; artificial intelligence (AI) trust concerns; security intrusion

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd7590


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