Gender differences in herbal platform adoption and user behavior: A multi-group comparison based on structural equation model
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
This study aims to examine how marketing mix and trust theories influence users’ intentions to adopt herbal platform services in Thailand and examine the impact of these intentions on actual service usage, placing a special focus on the integration of technologies in the context. The significant potential for growth in Thailand’s herbal business and the currently underutilized online platforms, it is crucial for stakeholders to understand the determinants of investment intentions. Merging marketing mix and trust theories, this research offers a comprehensive analysis of factors influencing the use of herbal platform, highlighting the relevance of herbal in enhancing service adoption. This study utilized a quantitative approach, gathering data through online surveys from 416 users of online herbal platforms in Thailand using SEM to examine the impact of gender on consumers’ decisions to use these platforms. This study provides insights into effective business strategies for herbal companies and contributes novel perspectives to the literature on herbal services. It specifically examines cognitive and emotional trust impacts and explores gender dynamics within the context of Health development. The study clarifies the roles of these factors and assesses the impact of gender on platform adoption, highlighting the importance of m-Health services in facilitating this process. Enhancing user engagement with herbal platform services requires prioritizing influential determinants, streamlining the investment experience, and underscoring the sector’s contribution to economic revitalization. Authorities should prioritize simplifying the investment landscape and initiating advocacy campaigns, while platform developers are advised to improve the user experience, bolster educational efforts, and heighten awareness of the investment advantages within the herbal industry. This research provides stakeholders with insights into the factors that enhance Thais’ engagement with herbal market platforms, especially via online channels. Identifying these key drivers is anticipated to boost participation in the herbal market, thereby contributing positively to Thailand’s economy.
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