The effect of REACT model implementation on learning outcomes and critical thinking skills of students of SMAN 9 KENDARI
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
Quality human resources will be formed if education focuses on improving students’ skills. Of course, the foundation of education must be quality. Qualified human resources will later be responsible for making Indonesia a good country in all fields. This study aims to examine the effect of applying the REACT learning model (Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, Transferring) on learning outcomes and critical thinking skills of students of SMAN 9 KENDARI. Quantitative research method with experimental research type. The research design used was post experimental control design. The research location was at SMAN 9 KENDARI. The instruments used include learning outcomes test and critical thinking skills test. The data obtained were explained using statistical tests to see the differences between the experimental group and the control group in chemistry subjects. The results showed that the application of REACT model significantly improved students’ learning outcomes and critical thinking skills compared to conventional learning methods in chemistry subjects. The findings indicated that the REACT model was effective in improving the quality of learning and developing critical thinking skills of students of SMAN 9 KENDARI, especially in chemistry learning.
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