Collaborative governance innovation in China’s higher vocational education in the digital era: Analyzing the direct and indirect impacts on organizational value creation

Min Liu, Muhammad Shahid Khan

Article ID: 7544
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


This study will explore the direct and indirect impacts of collaborative governance innovation on organizational value creation in higher vocational education in China in the context of the digital era. This paper employs a mixed research methodology to construct and validate a model of the relationship between collaborative governance, digital competence, value chain restructuring, and value creation. This study first adopted an exploratory sequential design. In the qualitative interviews, 15 experts from education, business, and other related fields were used as respondents to explore accurate variable factors and determine the value of the research framework. The quantitative research used structural equation analysis to analyze 979 valid online questionnaires. Finally, the rationality of the research results was verified through case studies.  The findings are clear: collaborative governance significantly positively impacts value creation, indirectly affecting organizational value creation through value chain restructuring. Furthermore, digital capabilities significantly contribute to the value chain restructuring process. This paper provides a theoretical basis and practical guidance for higher vocational education organizations to improve their governance and innovation capabilities.


collaborative governance; higher vocational education; digital capabilities; value chain reconstruction; organizational value creation

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