Support for universal basic income: A cross-disciplinary literature review

Gábor Szabó-Szentgróti, Virág Walter, Bence Végvári

Article ID: 7486
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


The technological development and the rise of artificial intelligence are driving a significant transformation of the labor market. The technological unemployment predicted by Keynes poses challenges for the global labor market that require new solutions. Basic income research has become a significant field of study, attracting attention from various disciplines such as political science, law, economics, and sociology. The aim of this paper is to explore on the basis of a literature review, what factors influence the support for basic income among the population. A systematic literature review based on the Web of Science and Scopus databases, after screening 2623 publications, identified 23 articles that contained findings relevant to the research question. A significant number of authors (12/23) analyzed data from the same source, the European Social Survey 2016 (ESS Round 8, 2020), conducted in 2016, first published in 2017 and updated several times since then. The paper shows that the study of the topic has a strong European focus. The social, economic, social and cultural diversity of European countries makes these studies important from a European and EU perspective, but from an international perspective, further research on the topic is needed.


basic income; universal income; Keynes; technological unemployment; labor market

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