Human agility management in Thai SMEs: A catalyst for enhancing employee value proposition

Intaka Piriyakul, Benjamas Sirijai, Rapepun Piriyakul, Noraphol Chiranunthadej

Article ID: 7478
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

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This study investigates the application of Operational Agility Management in Thai SMEs, examining its impact on Employee Dynamic Capability and the resulting Employee Value Proposition. Using a quantitative approach with a questionnaire survey targeted at Thai SME executives, the research analyzes the relationships between “Value of Work”, “Goal Orientation”, and “Network Communication” as independent variables, “Employee Dynamic Capability” as a mediating variable, and “Employee Value Proposition” as the dependent variable. The findings reveal that Thai Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) struggle particularly with “Network Communication” in enhancing their “Employee Value Proposition”, primarily due to their predominant hierarchical command structure. This challenge highlights the need for Thai SMEs to reassess their organizational structures and communication practices to improve employee dynamic capabilities and overall employee value proposition. The study provides novel insights into the application of Operational Agility Management in Thai SMEs, bridging the gap between high-performance management theories and the practical realities faced by SMEs in unpredictable business environments, thus offering a unique perspective on cultivating employee dynamic capabilities in this setting.


human agility management; goal oriented; employee efficacy; value of work

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