Application the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model to the use behavior of convenience store APP
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
With the popularity of smartphones, consumers’ daily lives and consumption patterns have been changed by using multi-functional apps. Convenience store operators have developed membership apps as a platform to promote their brands to consumers to create the benefits of “membership economy”. This study examined consumer behavior towards convenience store membership apps using UTAUT2. Consumers who have installed the convenience store membership apps were recruited as the target population. SPSS 23.0 was used to conduct item analysis and reliability analysis in the pretest questionnaires. The formal questionnaires were distributed online by convenience sampling method, with 375 valid questionnaires collected. Smart PLS 3.0 was conducted by analyzing the confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis. The results of the study, “performance expectancy”, “social influence”, “price value” and “habit” of convenience store member app users showed positive and significant effects on “behavioral intention”. “Facilitating conditions”, “habit” and “behavioral intention” have positive and significant effects on “actual use behavior”. “Gender” affects “habit” to have a significant moderating effect on “use behavior”. “Use experience” affects “habit” to have a significant moderating effect on “behavioral intention”. Based on the study results, the further suggestions of marketing management implications and feasible recommendations are proposed for convenience store operators to refer to in the implementation of membership app marketing management.
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