Development of object-oriented physics learning model to promote data literacy in physics instructional

Suryadi Suryadi, I Ketut Mahardika, Sudarti Sudarti, Supeno Supeno, Iwan Wicaksono

Article ID: 7402
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024


Data literacy is an important skill for students in studying physics. With data literacy, students have the ability to collect, analyze and interpret data as well as construct data-based scientific explanations and reasoning. However, students’ ability to data literacy is still not satisfactory. On the other hand, various learning strategies still provide opportunities to design learning models that are more directed at data literacy skills. For this reason, in this research a physics learning model was developed that is oriented towards physics objects represented in various modes and is called the Object-Oriented Physics Learning (OOPL) Model. The learning model was developed through several stages and based on the results of the validity analysis; it shows that the OOPL model is included in the valid category. The OOPL model fulfils the elements of content validity and construct validity. The validity of the OOPL model and its implications are discussed in detail in the discussion.


data literacy; physics learning; object oriented; instructional model

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