The informational relevance of social accounting for the management of financial institutions. A case study: Banca Transilvania Financial Group

Mariana Man, Maria-Mădălina Bogeanu-Popa, Carmen-Florentina Păunescu

Article ID: 7341
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 29 (Abstract) 11 (PDF)


This paper analyzes the relevance of social accounting information for managing financial institutions, using Banca Transilvania Financial Group (BTFG) as a case study. It explores how social accounting data can enhance decision-making processes within these institutions. Social information from BTFG’s annual integrated reports was used to construct a social balance sheet, and financial data was collected to calculate economic value added (EVA) and social value added (SVA). Research question include: Does social accounting represent a lever for substantiating the managerial decision in financial institutions? Results show that SVA is a valuable indicator for financial institution managers, reflecting the institution’s contributions to social well-being, environmental impact, and community support. Policy implications suggest regulatory bodies should mandate the inclusion of social accounting metrics in financial reporting standards to encourage socially responsible practices, enhance transparency, and incentivize institutions achieving high SVA. This paper contributes to the literature by demonstrating the practical application of social accounting in financial institutions and highlighting the importance of SVA as a managerial tool. It aligns with existing research on integrating corporate social responsibility (CSR) metrics into financial decision-making, enhancing the understanding of combining social and economic indicators for comprehensive performance assessment The abstract covers motivation, methodology, results, policy implications, and contributions to the literature.


social balance sheet; decision-making process; social value added; economic value added; financial institution

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