Eco-innovation as an antecedent of environmental performance and sustainable competitive performance in the manufacturing industry
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
In recent years, the environment in the manufacturing industry has become strongly competitive, which is why companies have found it necessary to constantly adjust their strategies and take actions aimed at improving their performance and competitiveness in a sustainable way to grow and remain in the market. Therefore, this paper aims to present an analysis to explain the current situation in the manufacturing industry in Aguascalientes, Mexico, by means of a survey in which product eco-innovation (PEI), process eco-innovation (PrEI) and organizational eco-innovation (OEI) and its effect on environmental performance (EP) and sustainable competitive performance (SCP) were measured. The results show that (EP) is positively and significantly influenced by (PEI) and (PrEI), while no significant influence is found for (OE). Furthermore, it is confirmed that environmental performance positively and significantly influences (SCP). The findings obtained from this study point to the relevance of promoting eco-innovation activities in the manufacturing sector, as this will ensure sustainable competitiveness.
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