Impact of job meaningfulness on employee retention: Antecedent and outcome of person-organization fit and person job fit

Fariha Basher, Benazir Rahman, Muhammad Muazzem Hossain, Md. Aminul Islam

Article ID: 7326
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 19 (Abstract) 9 (PDF)


Employee retention promotes positivity in an organization and improves employers’ brand value. As the human resource department operates with the objective of improving employees’ contribution towards the organization, meaningful work is an important topic in the core areas of human resource development (HRD), such as employee involvement, motivation, and personal development. Not only salary, benefits, working environment, and status but also the factors that determine whether you enjoy going to work every day are whether you believe that your work makes a meaningful contribution. In HRD, meaningful work comes to the forefront through a connection with a high level of commitment. Thus, this study aims to establish the relationship between meaningful and purposeful jobs affecting employee retention and the mediating factors of person organization fit (POF) and person job fit (PJF). A cross-sectional study involving a survey methodology was used to collect data from 150 white-collar employees working in the IT, banking, textile, and multinational companies in Bangladesh. The results indicate that job meaningfulness has a positive relationship with employee retention (p-value = 0.031) and both the mediating factors of PJF (p-value = 0.040) and POF (p-value = 0.028). The results also indicate that while POF positively influences employee retention (p-value = 0.019), PJF has no significant influence on employee retention (p-value = 0.164). Thus, promoting employee job meaningfulness and purpose in the workplace may represent an opportunity for organizations to improve employee engagement and retention.


employee retention; person job fit; person organization fit; job meaningfulness; human resource development

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