Retailers’ behavioral intention and behavior in adopting e-commerce platforms
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
VIEWS - 145 (Abstract) 63 (PDF)
This study conducts research on retailers’ behavioral intentions and behavior in adopting e-commerce platforms (ECPs) and uses the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) model as well as add other factors such as Personalization Platform, Seamless Interaction. The findings show that Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Hedonic Motivation, Retailers’ Capacity, Integration Strategies have a positive impact on retailers’ behavioral intention of adopting ECPs and Performance Expectancy has a negative impact on retailers’ behavioral intention of adopting ECPs. At the same time, Behavioral Intention, Facilitating Conditions have a positive impact on retailers’ behavior adopting ECPs and Seamless Interaction has a negative impact on retailers’ behavior adopting ECPs. With important implications, these findings are proposed to relevant parties, helping retailers and ECPs suppliers identify factors affecting retailers’ behavioral intention and behavior in adopting ECPs in Vietnam.
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