Strategic renewal through digital transformation: Insights from Indonesia’s telecom industry

Agung Sutanto Adi Susetyo, Ana Nadhya Abrar, Muhadjir M. Darwin, Achmad Djunaedi

Article ID: 7253
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024

VIEWS - 88 (Abstract) 39 (PDF)


Digital transformation is a significant phenomenon that affects almost every business sector, particularly the telecommunications industry, which is closely intertwined with information technology. This study is grounded in McLuhan’s concept of technological determinism and Martin Heidegger’s philosophy of technology, which asserts that media and technology shape human thoughts and interactions, benefiting individuals, society, and culture alike. The primary objective of this research is to investigate the environmental factors that influence digital transformation and to assess its impact on the strategic renewal of a company. This research employs exploratory qualitative methods, collecting in-depth information through interviews with the respondents from Indonesia’s leading telecommunications operator who can provide comprehensive and contextual insights into digital transformation. The findings reveal specific environmental factors that drive digital transformation. The major identified components of strategic renewal include advancements in information technology, the role of human resources, and interactions with external parties, including customers and partners.


business environment; digital transformation; strategic renewal; qualitative analysis; telecommunication industry

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