Linking the dynamic capabilities, collaborative networks, and employee motivation on organization performance during the digital era

Moordiningsih Moordiningsih, Faizal Amir, Andi Hasbi, Budhi Akbar, Iin Kandedes, Munawiroh Munawiroh, Elfi Yuliani Rochmah

Article ID: 7216
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024


This research aims to analyze the relationship between dynamic capabilities and organizational performance, networking, and organizational performance, and to analyze the relationship between spiritual motivation variables and organizational performance. This research method is a quantitative survey. The respondent sampling technique used in this research is a purposive sampling technique, namely samples taken based on certain considerations. Responses to this study came from 567 Organization members of education. The data collection method used in this research is an online questionnaire which provides a written list of questions to respondents. The questionnaire was designed using a Likert scale of 1 to 7. In this study, the data was analyzed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method with SmartPLS version 3.0 software. The stages of research data analysis are outer model testing, namely integrated validity and reliability testing, inner model testing, and hypothesis testing. The independent variables of this research are dynamic capabilities, collaborative networks, and spiritual motivation and the dependent variable is Organization performance. The results of this research are that dynamic capabilities have a significant and positive influence on organization performance, collaboration networks have a significant and positive influence on organization performance, and motivation has a significant and positive influence on organization performance. The managerial implication of the results of this research is that to improve the performance of educational organizations, managers can apply dynamic capability variables because dynamic variables have been proven to significantly encourage increased organizational performance. Organizations could improve the performance of educational organizations, and managers bu implement collaboration network variables because collaboration networks have been proven significantly can significantly encourage the increased performance of educational organizations. To improve the performance of educational organizations, managers can apply motivation variables because motivation variables have been proven to significantly encourage increased performance of educational organizations.


dynamic capabilities; organization performance; collaborative networks; spiritual motivation

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