Students’ business innovation capabilities: The moderating role of university support and entrepreneurial resilience
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024
The high unemployment rate among university graduates is prompting universities to enhance the business skills of their students. This research aims to holistically explain the role of university support and entrepreneurial resilience in increasing students’ business innovation capabilities. To analyze phenomena and relationships between variables, a quantitative approach using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used. This research sample involved 165 student entrepreneurs who are members of the student entrepreneur community in Indonesia. Knowledge management does not significantly impact increasing business innovation capabilities. However, perceived university support and entrepreneurial resilience have been shown to significantly impact business innovation capabilities and strengthen the influence of knowledge management activities on increasing business innovation capabilities. Universities must create policies supporting extracurricular entrepreneurship programs, focusing on building entrepreneurial resilience. This can be achieved through workshops and business incubator initiatives involving partnerships with industry and the entrepreneurial community. This research provides a new perspective in analyzing higher education entrepreneurship education through a more in-depth explanation of the extracurricular activities of the student business community to build business innovation capabilities based on knowledge, institutional, and trait theory perspectives.
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