Recapitulation on the effect of cross-cultural awareness and self-efficacy in education

Rulin Ma, M. S. H. B. Abdullah, M. M. J. Shuhaily

Article ID: 7196
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024

VIEWS - 358 (Abstract) 266 (PDF)


This paper revisits the analysis on the effect of cross-cultural awareness and self-efficacy, which are both significant constructs in today’s globalized world. People are expected to have both a high level of self-efficacy and a strong sense of cross-cultural awareness due to the growing frequency of cross-cultural interactions. For fields like education, psychology, and cross-cultural communication, it can be very crucial to comprehend how cross-cultural awareness affects self-efficacy. 60 relevant articles were found after a thorough assessment of the literature on the subject using thematic analysis of the CNKI and Google Scholar databases. Ten major themes were found in the review: 1) the cultivation of cross-cultural awareness, 2) the current situation of students’ cross-cultural awareness, 3) the importance of cross-cultural awareness, 4) the relationship between self-efficacy and academic achievement, 5) the relationship between learning self-efficacy and influencing factors, 6) the relationship between cross-cultural awareness and self-efficacy, 7) the relationship between self-efficacy and cross-cultural adaptation, 8) cultural factors affecting learning self-efficacy, 9) the effect of social environment on individual self-efficacy, and 10) the relationship between cultural expectations and self-efficacy. The findings of this review demonstrate how crucial cross-cultural understanding is to the growth of self-efficacy. The design of educational and training programs aiming at boosting cross-cultural knowledge and self-efficacy will also be significantly impacted by this review.


cross-cultural awareness; self-efficacy; review; effect; education

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