Leadership capabilities and organizational culture on the agility of low-cost Islamic education organization

Laksmi Mayesti Wijayanti, John Tampil Purba, Evo Sampetua Hariandja, Rosdiana Sijabat

Article ID: 7161
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 35 (Abstract) 19 (PDF)


Islamic based low-cost private school facing a suffer from a lack of new students due to the incapability to adapt to current condition. They are already “lost in the competition” with other school. This quality also includes the inability of the low-cost private schools to adapt with technology and change. Another finding is that low-cost private schools struggling in managing the funding and management. Low-cost private high school has become a key support in ensuring the fulfilment 12-year compulsory education stated by Indonesian Education Law. With only 40 percent of the total population able to attend public schools, the government as well as the private sector needs to accommodate affordable private schools to meet the need of high schools in Jakarta. Low-cost private schools become essential in providing the gap between the need of schools from the total population of students and the availability of the public school. The previous study highlighted organizational agility with the mediation of Islamic Work Ethic can be achieved through leadership capability and organizational culture, whilst several studies also suggest that Islamic Work Ethics or Istiqamah have no impact in promoting organizational agility. This research conducted in 2022–2023 encompassed 133 low-cost private high school in Jakarta in which all of them are Islamic low-cost private high school. The finding of this study is that school principal leadership capabilities and school culture are positively affect school agility with Istiqamah as mediated variable.


leadership capabilities; organisational culture; Istiqamah; organisational agility; low-cost private school; Islamic work ethics

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i11.7161


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