Exploring the impact of economic, social, and technological factors on sustainable entrepreneurship in Arab countries
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024
This article examines the factors influencing sustainable entrepreneurship (SE) in Arab countries, focusing on economic, social, and technological dimensions. Using data from various sources and structural equation modeling, the study explores the relationships between these factors and SE sustainability. The findings reveal that economic factors, such as GDP per capita and foreign direct investment (FDI), positively influence SE sustainability, emphasizing the need for a conducive economic environment. Social factors, measured by Internet usage and the Human Development Index (HDI), also significantly impact SE sustainability, highlighting the importance of access to information and education. However, technological factors like patent applications and high-tech exports did not show a significant positive relationship with SE sustainability, suggesting a minimal direct impact on SE longevity in Arab countries. These insights have implications for policymakers, stressing the importance of fostering economic growth and enhancing social infrastructure to support sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems. Despite its robust methodology, the study has limitations, such as incomplete data for certain countries, affecting the generalizability of the findings. Future research could explore additional factors influencing SE sustainability, further investigate the role of technology, and expand the geographical scope to include more Arab countries.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i10.7159
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