A study on the measurement of occupational burnout and network security intervention of counselors in vocational colleges from the perspective of social ecology

Rili Dang, Noorazman Bin Abd Samad

Article ID: 7092
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


With the rapid development of society and the advent of the information age, counselors in higher vocational colleges and universities are facing the double test of burnout and network security. Burnout affects counselors’ work efficacy and psychological health, while cybersecurity poses certain hazards to counselors’ occupational safety. Based on the social ecology perspective, this paper explores the measurement of burnout and puts forward corresponding countermeasure suggestions, with a view to improving the work efficiency and occupational safety of counselors in higher vocational colleges and universities, and providing useful references for the construction and management of counselor teams in higher vocational colleges and universities. This paper takes the job burnout status and network security structure of vocational college counselors as the research object, and explores its causes. Corresponding countermeasures have been proposed. This article selects 100 counselors from a vocational college in X city as the research objects. The latest version of China’s job burnout scale, Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), was used to study it. The experimental results showed that in the dimension of emotional exhaustion, 55% of the subjects were mild. 40% were moderate and 5% were severe. In terms of cynicism, 65% were mild. 30% were moderate and 5% were moderate. On the “low achievement” dimension, the participants were “slightly” rated at 10%. “Moderate” was 75% and “Severe” was 15%. Across the three dimensions, the results showed that job burnout was widespread among vocational college counselors.


job burnout; socio-ecological perspective; eco-social dynamics; vocational college counselors; cyber security intervention strategies

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd7092


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