Tourism industrial convergence effect: Insights from tourists visiting Macao

Jinquan Zhou, Wenjin He, Zhigang Zuo

Article ID: 7080
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This study examines the rapid convergence of the tourism industry with other sectors, driven by the expanding experience economy. A conceptual model was introduced encompassing industry convergence patterns, paths, and effects to assess this convergence’s effectiveness. Using a survey of 392 tourists in Macau, these findings reveal that the tourism industry convergence path and mode positively influence the convergence effect, thereby shaping tourists’ perceived value. Moreover, this study identifies that convergence mode and effect mediate the relationship between the tourism industry convergence path and perceived value. This study validates the efficacy of industrial convergence paths and models in fostering regional industry convergence within the tourism sector. Additionally, it contributes a theoretical framework for evaluating industry convergence effects at a micro level, enhancing both the theoretical understanding and practical applications of Macao’s tourism industry and industrial convergence theory.


perceived value; tourism industrial convergence; convergence path; convergence model; convergence effect; Macau

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