The role of innovation ecosystem in an open innovation model of state-owned enterprises to build collaborative advantage

Mohamad Afrizal Hernandar, Avanti Fontana, Setyo Hari Wijanto

Article ID: 6983
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


State-owned enterprises (SOEs) manage significant portion of world economy, including in the developing countries. SOEs are expected to be active and play significant role in improving the country’s economic performance and welfare through enhancing innovation performance. However, closed innovation process and lack of collaboration hinders SOEs to reach satisfying innovation performance level. This paper explores the construction and role of innovation ecosystem in the strategic entrepreneurship process of SOEs, of which is represented by dynamic capability framework, business model innovation, and collaborative advantage. Based on the analysis, this paper concluded that the collaboration between actors in the Innovation Ecosystem (IE) has positive effect to strengthening SOE’s Sensing Capabilities (SC) related to the process of exploring and identifying innovation opportunities. The increase of Sensing Capabilities (SC) will play significant role as input or antecedent on formulating proactive Innovation Strategy (IS) in orchestrating SOE’s innovation process. SOEs which has implementing proactive Innovation Strategy (IS) will be able to build collaboration and finding right Business Model Innovation (BMI). Finally, by building collaboration with other actors through the innovative business model has significant role to increase SOE’s Collaborative Advantage (CA), which considered as a proxy for competitiveness of SOEs.


collaborative innovation; collaborative advantage; dynamic capability; innovation ecosystem; open innovation; strategic entrepreneurship; state-owned enterprises; resource orchestration

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