Investigating the link between green preferences and organic food purchase: The mediating and moderating role of attitudes and environmental concerns on consumer purchase intentions

Muhammad Ayaz, Hyung Yu Jang

Article ID: 6947
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


The global increase in organic food consumption underscores the need for in-depth research to understand the determinants of consumer purchase intentions towards organic products. Hence, this study aims to investigate the factors influencing the consumer purchase intentions towards organic food through an analysis involving 274 participants. Additionally, it also explores the mediating and moderating effects of attitudes and environmental concerns on the purchasing intentions towards organic food, providing insights in how these psychological and environmental factors influence consumer behavior. Using a quantitative method, data was gathered from the South Korean cities of Jinju and Changwon. However, analysis was performed through Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. The research findings illustrate that subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and ethical consciousness significantly influence attitudes towards purchase intentions of organic foods. Moreover, the results indicate that attitude positively influenced consumer purchase intention towards organic food. Results reveal that attitude serves as a mediator in the relationship between subjective norms and consumer purchase intentions for organic food. Similarly, Likewise, attitude mediates the connection between perceived behavioral control and consumer purchase intention towards organic food. Additionally, the results indicate that attitude mediates the relationship between ethical consciousness and consumer purchase intention towards organic food. Furthermore, environmental concerns are found to significantly moderate the association between attitude and consumer purchase intention towards organic foods. The insights garnered from this study shed light on consumer intentions to purchase organic foods, equipping stakeholders such as marketers, retailers, and producers with valuable insights for creating effective marketing strategies aiming at promotion of these products. This research serves as a pivotal resource for developing targeted approaches to enhance the market share and consumption of organic foods.


environmental concerns; attitude; ethical consciousness; purchase; subjective norms; intention of organic foods; perceived behavior control

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