Open innovation and disruptive innovation: Financial performance small and medium enterprises (SMEs) evidence in Tanjungpinang Indonesia

Hendy Satria, Djoko Suhardjanto, Wahyu Widarjo, Setianingtyas Honggowati, Kusumaningdiah Retno Setiorini

Article ID: 6913
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 129 (Abstract) 74 (PDF)


This study aims to examine the impact of open innovation and disruptive innovation on the financial performance of SMEs in the tourism sector in Tanjungpinang City, Indonesia. A quantitative research method was employed, utilizing a sample of 273 SMEs in the tourism sector. Data were collected through surveys and analyzed using regression and ANOVA techniques to understand the relationships between innovation, digitalization, and financial performance. The analysis revealed that both open and disruptive innovation significantly influence the financial performance of SMEs. The study found that innovation and digitalization explain approximately 79.6% of the financial performance variance in the tourism sector. The findings suggest that SMEs that adopt innovative practices and digitalization are more likely to achieve better financial outcomes, such as increased profitability and market share. Open and disruptive innovations are critical drivers of financial success for SMEs in the tourism sector. SMEs should focus on leveraging internal and external knowledge and adapting to technological changes to enhance their competitive advantage. Policymakers should create supportive environments that foster innovation and digitalization among SMEs. This could include providing access to technological resources, training programs, and incentives for innovative practices.


digitalization; financial performance; innovation theory; SMEs

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