Generational differences in technology behavior: A systematic literature review

Reema Choudhary, Younus Ahamad Shaik, Pankaj Yadav, Ayesha Rashid

Article ID: 6755
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024


This research looks into the differences in technological practices across Gen-X, Gen-Y, and Gen-Z employees in the workplace, with an emphasis on motivation, communication, collaboration, and productivity gaps. The study uses a systematic literature review to identify factors that contribute to these variations, taking into account each generation’s distinct experiences, communication methods, working attitudes, and cultural backgrounds. Bridging generational gaps, providing ongoing training, and incorporating cross-generational and technology-enhanced practices are all required in today’s workplace. This study compares the dominating workplace generations, Gen-X and Gen-Y, with the emerging Gen-Z. A review of the literature from 2010 to 2023, which was narrowed down from 1307 to 20 significant studies, emphasizes the importance of organizational management adapting to generational changes in order to increase productivity and maintain a healthy workplace. The study emphasizes the need of creating effective solutions for handling generational variations in workplace.


generational differences; technology integration; technology; Gen-Z; Gen-Y; Gen-X; age divide; workplace; technical expertise

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