The effect of financial literacy on investment decision making in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An empirical study
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024
Background: People who are financially literate are able to make sound decisions regarding their money since they have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of money and financial products. The significance of financial literacy has been acknowledged by numerous nations, prompting the formation of task teams to assess their populations and develop educational and outreach programs. The requirement to make educated decisions about ever-increasing financial goods necessitates a higher level of financial literacy. Aim: Being able to make sense of one’s personal financial situation is becoming an increasingly valuable skill in today’s world. One of the most essential components for making sure and successful decisions is having a good grip on one’s financial status. By contrast, financial literacy refers to an individual’s level of knowledge and awareness regarding financial matters, whereas investors’ decision-making is characterised by their understanding, prediction, investigation, and assessment of the various stages and transactions involved in making an investment decision. Risk, a decision-making framework and process, and investing itself are all components of investing. Method: Researchers will conduct a cross-sectional survey of Saudi Arabian investors. We used a structured questionnaire to gather data. Using “Cronbach’s a and confirmatory factors” analysis, we checked whether the data is reliable. The links between financial literacy and investment decisions was demonstrated using structural equation modeling (SEM) in IBM-SPSS and SmartPLS. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to look at how the investment choices of Saudi Arabians are correlated with their degree of financial literacy. Consequently, research on the connection between financial literacy, knowledge, behaviour, and investment choices is lacking. Researchers on this subject have already acknowledged the problem’s importance and intended to devote substantial time and energy to solving it. Findings: The study concluded that there was a significant relationship between financial literacy and financial knowledge with respect of investment decision of investors. Similarly, there was a significant relationship between financial behaviour and financial knowledge with respect of investment decision of investors. The discovery of the outcomes will enable regulatory authorities to aid investors in preventing financial losses by furnishing them with sufficient financial information.
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