Mediation and conciliation centers and their impact on resolving legal disputes in UAE “Under Federal Law No. 17 of 2016 and its amendment No. 5 of 2021”

Adel Salem Allouzi

Article ID: 6703
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


This research endeavors to assess the legal requirements for the operation of mediation and conciliation centers in the UAE based on Federal Law No. 17 of 2016 and its amendment in 2021 No. 5. It is structured into three main sections: the first establishes and defines these centers, the second defines conciliation procedures and the third considers the preceding. The aim is to identify the legal procedures associated with mediation and conciliation centers within the UAE judicial systems and their function in providing solutions for civil and business litigations with the most efficiency and minor financial investments. It also calls for using other forms of conflict adjudication before adopting the legal approach. The conclusions and recommendations indicate the necessity of further improving the Mediation and Conciliation Centers Law due to the necessity of legislative shifts, which would contribute to the UAE’s leading position in legislation related to centers for mediation and conciliation.


mediation; conciliation; alternative dispute resolutions; civil procedure law

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