Factors influencing persons with disabilities perception in entrepreneurship: The mediating effect of entrepreneurial motivation
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024
Disability inclusion is important to ensure everybody has the same opportunities in society, which is critical in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) are one of the marginalized communities and most of them are living in poverty. Disabilities encounter many challenges internally and externally due to their disabilities. They are struggling to keep their jobs due to their own self-confidence and social stigma and entrepreneurship is said to be the best option for PWDs to gain economic liberation. However, many PWDs still depend on government assistance and public donations instead of starting their own business. This study investigates the mediating effect of entrepreneurial motivation on the relationship between internal and external factors of PWDs’ perceptions of entrepreneurship in Malaysia. A quantitative approach to the survey was carried out. A sample of seventy-seven PWDs was gathered using face-to-face and online surveys through purposive sampling. The data were analyzed using structural equation modelling. The results show that only internal factors influence PWDs’ entrepreneurial personal perception. Entrepreneurial motivation plays a crucial mediating role in the relationship between internal and external factors and entrepreneurial personal perception. The study is helpful for the relevant parties to assist PWDs in becoming financially independent through entrepreneurship by focusing more on their internal strengths. Proper training and coaching assist PWDs in being more resilient when facing adversity.
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