A multi-scale approach to quantifying metropolitan innovation and recycling behaviour
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
Urban infrastructures and services—such as public transportation, innovation bodies and environmental services—are important drivers for the sustainable development of our society. How effectively citizens, institutions and enterprises interact, how quickly technological innovations are implemented and how carefully new policies are pursued, synergically determine development. In this work, data related to urban infrastructure features such as patents and recycled waste referred to 106 province areas in Italy are investigated over a period of twenty years (2001–2020). Scaling laws with exponents characterizing the above mentioned features are observed and adopted to scrutinize whether and how multiple interactions within a population have amplification effects on the recycling and innovation performance. The study shows that there is a multiplication effect of the population size on the innovation performance of territories, meaning that the dynamic interactions among the elements of the innovation eco-systems in a territory increase its innovation performance. We discuss how to use such approach and the related indexes for understanding metropolitan development policy.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i9.6646
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