Regulatory impact of a governmental approach for artificial intelligence technology implementation in Vietnam

Hoai Bac Dang, Thi Thai Quynh Pham, Van Phuoc Nguyen, Van Hau Nguyen

Article ID: 6631
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 41 (Abstract) 13 (PDF)


This study assesses Vietnam’s state-level implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and analyses the government’s efforts to encourage AI implementation by focusing on the National Strategy on AI Development Program. This study emphasizes the possibility of implementing AI at the state level in Vietnam and the importance of conducting continuous reviews and enhancements to achieve sustainable and inclusive AI growth. Impact evaluations were conducted in public organizations alone, and implication evaluations were considered optional. AI impact assessments were constrained by societal norms that necessitated establishing relationships among findings. There is a lack of official information regarding the positive impact of Vietnam’s AI policy on the development of AI infrastructure, research, and talent pools. The study’s findings highlight the necessity of facilitating extensive AI legislation, and strengthening international cooperation. The study concludes with the following recommendations for improving Vietnam’s AI policy: implementing a strong AI governance structure and supporting AI education and awareness.


artificial intelligence; AI effect evaluation; intelligent information risk; Vietnam’s legal regulation

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