Highways to heaven: Infrastructure determinants and trends in Latin America and the Caribbean

Valerie Cerra, Alfredo Cuevas, Carlos Góes, Izabela Karpowicz, Troy Matheson, Issouf Samake, Svetlana Vtyurina

Article ID: 66
Vol 1, Issue 2, 2017


Inadequate infrastructure has been widely viewed as a principal barrier to growth and development in Latin America and the Caribbean. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of infrastructure in the region and highlights key areas in which infrastructure networks can be enhanced. The public and private sectors play complementary roles in improving the infrastructure network. Therefore, it is critical to strengthen public investment management processes as well as the regulatory framework, including to ensure and appropriate mix of financing and funding for projects and to address environmental concerns.


Latin America and the Caribbean; infrastructure; public investment; investment efficiency; public−private partnerships

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v1i2.66


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Copyright (c) 2017 Valerie Cerra, Alfredo Cuevas, Carlos Góes, Izabela Karpowicz, Troy Matheson, Issouf Samake, Svetlana Vtyurina

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