Big data and supply chain crisis financial risk management: A bibliometric review

Ioannis Dimitrios G. Kamperos, Nikolaos T. Giannakopoulos, Nikos Kanellos, Damianos P. Sakas

Article ID: 6592
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024


The presence of a crisis has consistently been an inherent aspect of the Supply Chain, mostly as a result of the substantial number of stakeholders involved and the intricate dynamics of their relationships. The objective of this study is to assess the potential of Big Data as a tool for planning risk management in Supply Chain crises. Specifically, it focuses on using computational analysis and modeling to quantitatively analyze financial risks. The “Web of Science—Elsevier” database was employed to fulfill the aims of this work by identifying relevant papers for the investigation. The data were inputted into VOS viewer, a software application used to construct and visualize bibliometric networks for subsequent research. Data processing indicates a significant rise in the quantity of publications and citations related to the topic over the past five years. Moreover, the study encompasses a wide variety of crisis types, with the COVID-19 pandemic being the most significant. Nevertheless, the cooperation among institutions is evidently limited. This has limited the theoretical progress of the field and may have contributed to the ambiguity in understanding the research issue.


big data; supply chain; financial risk; risk management; crisis; sustainability; data modeling

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