Convergence of public policies: Aligning policies and actors for sustainable financing of Moroccan SMEs—MACTOR analysis

Abdelghani Koura, Abdeslam Boudhar, Mohamed Oudgou

Article ID: 6590
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


SMEs are characterized by a number of flaws that threaten their survival and counteract them from reaching high levels of growth and development. Access to finance is the primary problem facing these companies in the Moroccan context. Aware of the effective and potential impacts of SMEs on the country as a whole, the Moroccan Government through a variety of actors has mobilized its efforts in a number of ways to support this population of companies. This study assesses the extent to which actors within the Moroccan SMEs’ financing ecosystem align to support these companies and develop their ability to access external financing. Using the MACTOR model, based on an in-depth contextual analysis and expert interviews, our findings suggest that Morocco’s SMEs’ financing ecosystem is skewed, with high levels of convergence between its components.


SME financing; public policy; policy convergence; MACTOR analysis; guarantee schemes; subsidies and direct aids; incubation

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