Transforming people through service-learning. An experience in higher education

Belén López Vázquez, María Vaquero-Diego, Rosa Currás-Móstoles, Maura Angélica Milfont Shzu

Article ID: 6538
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024


service-learning activities are effective in higher education programmes. During the COVID-19 period, universities have implemented this methodology and students have improved their social and practical skills. The purpose of this article is to analyse the role of higher education in the process of adapting teaching based on experiences designed for students to serve the community. This research presents the results of a specific service-learning experience of 35 students from the Teamworking programme during the academic years 2020–21 (online) and 2021–22 (face-to-face), in collaboration with the San Juan de Dios Foundation in Madrid, which provides care for people with disabilities. Students evaluated the experience through a quantitative study based on a questionnaire previously developed by Folgueiras (2013), divided into four dimensions. Students also provided some feedback, explaining that this experience changed their perception of people with disabilities, considering the personal value of contributing to social inclusion through service learning. The results show that through the Folgueiras model, students have strengthened their social skills and competences, and through an applied training project that offers the opportunity to build a real relationship through different activities, where learning was at the centre of the interaction between students and young people with disabilities. In conclusion, although the evaluation was positive in terms of the students’ professional and human development, this project requires continuous improvement in the long term, since the subjectivity of human relationships follows a dynamic course with variables that are sensitive to time and individual experience.


service-learning; higher education; skills; competencies; social impact

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