Relevance and legal background of tourist guiding in Hungary

Viktória Kundi

Article ID: 6522
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024


The profession of tourist guide has recently been subject to a significant loss of prestige in Hungary. There have been many career leavers who have been prevented from working due to an unregulated legal framework or a lack of government support during and in the post-COVID-19 period. The first problem - an ineffective and poorly regulated regulatory environment - has led to a significant increase in unauthorised tourism-related activities, undermining the reputation of the profession. As a result of the unregulated legal environment, the country - and Budapest in particular - is losing significant revenue and the situation is damaging the city’s image. Today, personal knowledge and experience are likely to be rendered worthless by the development of new technologies, tools and fast-paced lifestyles. Many people do not even know who exactly a tourist guide is, what their duties are and what regulations apply to their activities, despite the fact that tourist guides spend a lot of quality time with tourists visiting our country, providing them with information and acquainting them with our traditions. The transfer of value, which is the essence of their activity, is an important factor in shaping the image of the country and the perception of Hungary by visitors. Most people may not be aware of the remarkable difference between a qualified and licensed guide and an unqualified and unlicensed guide. The former presents a place authentically. This study aims to present the legal and professional background of this activity and the importance of this work in the light of current regulations, highlighting the important role of guides in the transmission of values today. It also focuses on the main changes and reactions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the uncertainties and concerns created by the legislative background. In order to illustrate the unique situation in Hungary, regulatory procedures and tourist management practices are also covered.


tourist guide; legislation; tourism law; regulatory shifts; image

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