The contribution of livelihood diversification activities to poverty reduction of ethnic minority households: A case study in Son La Province, Vietnam

Ngoc Ninh Ho, Phuong Thao Lai, Thi Cam Anh Truong, Van Hung Hoang, Thi Thuy Do, Thuy Nguyen

Article ID: 6465
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024

VIEWS - 99 (Abstract) 43 (PDF)


The livelihood of ethnic minority households in Vietnam is mainly in the fields of agriculture and forestry. The percentage of ethnic minorities who have jobs in industry, construction, and services is still limited. Moreover, due to harsh climate conditions, limited resources, poor market access, low education level, lack of investment capital for production, and inadequate policies, job opportunities in the off-farm and non-farm activities are very limited among ethnic minority areas. This paper assessed the contribution of livelihood diversification activities to poverty reduction of ethnic minority households in Son La Province of Vietnam. The analysis was based on the data using three stages sampling procedure of 240 ethnic minority households in Son La Province. The finding showed that the livelihood diversification activities had positively significant contribution to poverty reduction of ethnic minority households in Son La Province. In addition, the factors positively affecting the livelihood choices of ethnic minority households in Son La Province of Vietnam are education level, labor size, access to credit, membership of associations, support policies, vocational training, and district. Thus, improving ethnic minority householder’s knowledge through formal educational and training, expanding availability of accessible infrastructure, and enhancing participation of social/political associations were recommended as possible policy interventions to diversify livelihood activities so as to mitigate the level of poverty in the study area.


factors; livelihood diversification; poverty reduction; ethnic minority households; Vietnam

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