Simplification analysis of labour policy and regulation as an effort to increase micro and small enterprises’ growth in Indonesia

Rouli Anita Velentina, Ninin Ernawati

Article ID: 6464
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 122 (Abstract) 61 (PDF)


This research aims to examine in more depth the changes resulting from the Job Creation Law, which impact the level of business friendliness in Indonesia, and how to analyze these changes to improve the business environment to be more conducive to carrying out business activities. This research uses normative legal research methods and is analytical descriptive research. There have been several changes since the emergence of the Job Creation Law, such as the establishment of a limited liability company. Changes to the Job Creation Law could improve the Indonesian economy. However, juridically, this regulation gives authority to the central government to manage micro and small businesses, contrary to the principle of decentralization, which prioritizes the provision of resources to local governments.


individual company; micro and small business; ease of doing business

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